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Arizona Quilters Guild

Committed to educating the public and our members about the place quilts hold in our lives, hearts, and history.

Quilt Arizona! Entry FAQ

  • Who can enter the Quilt Arizona! quilt show? Is there an entry fee?

All entrants must be members of the Arizona Quilters Guild except for entrants in the Youth Category (under 18 years old).    There is no fee to enter.  Each entrant is limited to three (3) entries per show, only two of which may be judged.   Click here for AQG membership information.

  • What can be entered in the Quilt Arizona! quilt show? 

Most entries must consist of three layers (top, batting, and backing) and contain quilting; exceptions are usually submitted in the Other category.  Entries must not exceed 108” in width and have a hanging sleeve placed near the top edge. Framed and/or mounted quilt entries will not be accepted. Please see the Official Rules and Regulations for a full description of entry characteristics and exceptions.

  • How big should I make the hanging sleeve?

Each entry must have a hanging sleeve.  The sleeve should be 4” wide and securely fastened to the back, near the top of each entry. Instructions for a hanging sleeve are available here:  Hanging Sleeve Instructions.  For large entries, the top of the sleeve should be placed no more than 90” from the bottom of the quilt. For small entries (less than 40” wide), the sleeve may be sized appropriately, but should be large enough to accommodate a 2” wide wooden slat.

  •  Is this a juried quilt show?

No, entries are not juried before acceptance into this quilt show.  All entries that conform to the regulations for the current show will be accepted.  A photo of the quilt top is required for entry identification purposes.

  • Are all submitted entries accepted?

Due to facility and judging constraints, only a limited number of entries can be accepted each year.  Entries are accepted in the order that they are submitted.  You may submit your entry before it is completely quilted and bound; your entry must be recognizable in the photo that you submit.

  • Is this a judged quilt show?

Yes,  AQG hires independent NACQJ Quilt Judges to award ribbons to the entries in the judged categories.  Most ribbons are awarded to the quilt entrant.  The exceptions are the quilts in the Duet categories, which are awarded to both artists, and the Exemplary Quilting ribbons, which are awarded to the identified quilter.

  • What categories are available at a Quilt Arizona! quilt show?

Although the available categories may vary from year to year, the entrant typically has more than 15 judged and non-judged categories from which to choose one that is appropriate for each entry. Judged categories may be either technique or design based, and may be further subdivided by size constraints (i.e. small, medium, large) and/or by the number of quilt makers (i.e. solo, duet, group).  Some examples of possible categories include, but are not limited to: Pieced, Applique, Hand Quilted, Art, Pictorial, Modern, Kit, Scrap, and Theme.  Please see the  Quilt Show Entry Rules and Procedures for the complete list and full description of the categories available for the current quilt show.

  • What is the Theme Category this year? How do I enter the Theme Category?

The Theme Category for the next few Quilt Arizona! shows can be found here .  Theme entries can be made using any technique, but the perimeter should not exceed 450”. To submit an entry into the Theme category, use the online entry form and choose Judged Entry, Theme Category from the drop-down menus. You will be required to write a short statement (approximately 150 words) describing how your entry interprets the theme.

  • What is the difference between the Solo, Duet, and Group categories?

Entries in a Solo category must have been made entirely by a single person. By comparison, entries in a Duet category have been made by two people, and entries in the Group category have been made by three or more people. All artists involved in the construction (piecing, quilting, binding) of the quilt should always be given credit on the entry form.

Some categories are designated as either Solo or Duet to allow entries made by a single person to be judged separately from entries made by two people. The Entry may be submitted by either member of a Duet. Category ribbons will be awarded to both people identified in the Duet.

  • Why do I need to identify the quilting style and the Quilter?

Several of the Exemplary Awards are designated to honor the quilting of the entry. The available machine quilting ribbons are divided between Professional vs. Non-Professional and computer guided vs. hand guided styles. Please note that none of these quilting details are known during the judging process. Since, the ribbons are awarded directly to the identified Quilter, we ask for their contact information so we can invite them to the Awards Ceremony.

  • How do I submit an entry for the quilt show?

Complete the online entry form to submit an entry for the next Quilt Arizona! show. If you are unable to use the online entry form, you may request a paper form by contacting the AQG Office (480-827-8458) or the Entry Coordinator (quilt_entry@aqgmail.org).

  • How do I know if my entry was received?

An automated email will be sent immediately upon successful submission of the entry form. If you do not receive this email, please check your Spam and/or Junk mail folders. Successful entries are also listed in the Confirmed Submissions List available on the Entry webpage. It is the responsibility of the entrant to use one of these methods to determine that an entry was successfully submitted. Late entries will not be accepted after the entry form closes. Confirmation packets will be sent to the provided email address approximately one month before the quilt show opens.

  • How do I make changes to a submitted entry form?

If you need to make a change to a submitted entry, please contact the Entry Coordinator quilt_entry@aqgmail.org. DO NOT submit a new entry form in an attempt to update a previously submitted entry.

  • How do I withdraw a submitted entry?

If you need to withdraw a submitted entry, please contact the Entry Coordinator (quilt_entry@aqgmail.org).  We appreciate if you can let us know as soon as possible that an entry should be withdrawn.

  • How do I know if my entry won a ribbon? Who can attend the Quilt Arizona! Award Ceremony?

Award winning entrants will be contacted via telephone by Wednesday evening of the quilt show week.  The entrant and one guest will be admitted to the Award Ceremony.

  • When do entries need to be delivered to the quilt show?

Entries should be delivered to the intake location on the Sunday before the quilt show opens.  Details about alternative drop-off sites throughout Arizona and mail-in options will be included in the Entry Confirmation packet.

  • How should I label my entry?

Any personal labels on either the front or back of the entry need to be completely covered.  The Entry Confirmation Packet will include paper printable labels for the entry item, as well as detailed instructions on how to attach the label to the entry for this quilt show.

  • Is a specific quilt entry bag required?

Any cloth zippered or drawstring bag that fully contains your folded or rolled entry can be used to transport your entry. The paper printable show label, provided in your Entry Confirmation Packet, should be securely pinned on the outside of the bag so that it is easily visible.

  • I have two quilt entries - can I place them both in the same bag?

No, each entry must be delivered in its own, labeled bag. Having each entry contained in individual bags helps  streamline the Intake and Return processes and helps us maintain a high-level of security for every quilt committed to our care.

  • When will entries be returned after the quilt show?

Entries will be available for pick-up at Mesa Convention Center between 6:00 -7:00 pm on Saturday after the quilt show ends. Entries will NOT be returned before 6pm. The entry ticket provided in the Confirmation Packet will be required to claim each entry.

  • How do I indicate that my quilt entry is available for sale?

It is the Quilt Arizona! show policy that we do not facilitate the sale of quilts on display at the show.  Any sale information in your description will not be included in the Entry Gallery Tag.  Please consider using the AQG Classified Ads for the sale of your entry after the show has concluded.

****   The Official Rules and Regulations of the current quilt show are available with the quilt show entry forms. In the event of a perceived discrepancy, the official rules take precedence over the information presented here. ****

Quilt Arizona! Entry FAQ download.

AQG Purpose

Arizona Quilters Guild promotes appreciation of quilts and quilting, sponsors and support quilting activities, and furthers the growth of quilting education.

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